

Your bridge to seamless notifications.

Connect your systems directly to your iPhone for instant updates, effortlessly tailored to your preferences.



What is PushBell?

PushBell is an iPhone app that allows you to send customized push notifications to your device. Whether you're using the API or the NodeRED Node, you have the freedom to stay connected. PushBell is not just about real-time alerts, it also allows you to review past notifications, so you never miss anything important. To get started, simply install the iPhone app.

Why should I use PushBell?

PushBell makes it easy to send notifications, so your systems can communicate with your iPhone in real-time. You'll instantly get important alerts and messages, keeping you updated. PushBell ensures that push notifications are delivered directly to your device, so you're always in sync with the important information.

How to set up PushBell?

To get started, download the PushBell app on the App Store. After installation, go ahead and create your own PushBell account. Lastly, connect PushBell to your current systems and choose between API or NodeRED Node integration. Follow the guidelines provided to ensure a seamless and efficient setup of your push notification preferences.

Download now!

Download on the App Store



API Documentation

API Banner
NPM NPM_downloads issues


The Node RED PushBell node allows you to create notifications in Node RED, which can be sent to your iPhone.


npm install node-red-contrib-pushbell

Quick Start

If you prefer watching a video instead of reading, you can watch this YouTube video: How to integrate PushBell with NodeRED
  1. PushBell app setup
    1. Download the PushBell app from the App Store
    2. Create an PushBell account in the app
    3. Follow the instructions in the app to generate an API key
  2. Node RED PushBell node setup
    1. Import the example below in Node RED
    2. Change the node configuration, especially the API key
    3. Send the payload to the input of the node. You can adjust the title and description as needed to align with your purpose.
    4. If everything was successful the node status should turn to sending and after a few seconds to 200 Notification successfully created.

Getting Started

If you already have an PushBell account, all you need to do is sign in. You can locate your existing API keys under the Settings > Manage API keys section. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below.
To get started, download the PushBell app on the App Store. After installation, go ahead and create your own PushBell account. To create an API key, just follow the instructions given or go to Settings > Manage API keys and select Generate API key. Before that, you need to pick an appropriate name for the API key. The name you choose is up to you. It's simply helpful for you to identify your API keys at a later time.
Then switch to Node RED and install the node-red-contrib-pushbell node. When the installation is completed, you need to initialize the node by using your API key. To do this, create a PushBell configuration node and initialize it with your API key. In the configuration node, you can also choose a name for the API key. The name you choose is up to you. It's simply necessary for you to identify your API key configuration nodes at a later time.
To create notifications send the payload described below to the node's input.

Node Input

msg.payload = { title: "My Notification Title", description: "My Notification Description" }

Node Status

Green: If you see a green dot and a message that says 200 Notification successfully created, it means everything went smoothly. Your notification has been sent to the PushBell server and the smartphones connected to your account.
Blue: If you see a blue ring and a message that says sending, it means that the node-red-contrib-pushbell node is attempting to create a notification. In a few seconds, this status should change to either red or green.
Red: If you see a red dot, it indicates an error occurred while creating a notification. To obtain more information, refer to the message provided next to the status badge.
Common errors status codes are:
  • 401 Unauthorized - Something went wrong with the authorization process. Please check your API key configuration and try again.
  • 429 Requests exceeded for today - The number of notifications you can send per day is limited. It seems that this limit has been exceeded. For more information, please refer to the information provided in the PushBell app.
  • 400 Bad Request - Check the payload you send to the node-red-contrib-pushbell node. It appears that there may be something wrong with your input body. In the section Node Input you will find additional information on how your input payload should be formatted.
  • 500 Request failed - If you come across this error, please check your node configuration and attempt to create a notification again. If you encounter this error once more, feel free to contact us.


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