
Privacy Policy

PushBell is serious about the security and privacy of our users. PushBell is committed to maintain the privacy, integrity and security of any personal information about our users.
This Privacy Policy ("Policy") explains how we protect personal information we collect in connection with your use of the Service and how we use and in some cases disclose that information. "Personal information" for purposes of this Policy means information that identifies you, such as your name or e-mail address. This Policy is subject to the provisions our Terms of Service, which are incorporated by reference.

What Personal Information We Collect

When you use PushBell, you send pieces of data to PushBell; this can be a name, an e-mail address, or information relating to your appointment. When you sign up for a PushBell User Account from our mobile app, you are required to provide an e-mail address (which will be used as your login ID) and to create an account password (collectively the "Registration Information"). Other data is generated implicitly by your use of PushBell, e.g. log data. We use this information for internal analytical purposes to improve the product for you. Furthermore, we employ other companies to perform tasks on our behalf and may need to share this information with them to provide services to you. We do not sell your data to third parties.
While using the Service, the PushBell app will routinely synchronize your notification data with PushBell servers. These requests sent from your PushBell device client app include information that identify your device operating system version, your device hardware manufacturer and model number.
PushBell records certain requests and transactions in log files. This log data is used for troubleshooting, statistics, analytics, quality assurance, and to monitor system security and can be analyzed to that end. PushBell can publish anonymous statistics under the condition that no personally identifiable information can be derived from such statistics.
PushBell also uses Google Analytics and Google Firebase Analytics (for iOS and Android apps) to compile usage statistics. These services are provided by Google, Inc., respectively. Their privacy policies can be found at and
PushBell works with Crashlytics, Inc (“Crashlytics”) to report any bug affecting our iOS and Android Apps. Crashlytics’ software is built into our iOS app and Android app. If either app crashes during normal use, the app will send certain information about the incident to Crashlytics as applicable. This information consists of the device type, OS version and certain hardware information about your mobile device, and the time of the crash, the state of the application at the time of the crash, and stack traces. Read more at to review Crashlytics’ privacy policy.

How We Use Personal Information

PushBell uses your personal information to:

Inactive Accounts

PushBell can delete user accounts if they remain inactive (i.e. not accessed) for 1 year or longer.

Transfer of Personal Data Abroad

We are entitled to transfer your Personal Data abroad, including to third party companies (designated service providers) insofar as this is expedient for the Data Processing described in this Privacy Statement.

Sharing Personal Information

PushBell uses personal information according to the Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy. PushBell may share personal information with other companies or individuals only in the following limited circumstances: (i) PushBell has your consent; (ii) PushBell has good faith that there is a legal obligation to share the data; (iii) PushBell needs to access or share the data to protect the security of the service or of others users’ data; (iv) PushBell needs to access or share the data to protect PushBell’s rights and property or to enforce the Terms of Service.

Data Retention

We shall only retain your data for as long as is legally necessary or in accordance with the purpose for which they were processed. If we carry out analyses, we shall store your data until the analysis has been concluded. If we store your data on the basis of a contractual relationship with you, these data will remain stored for at least the duration of the contractual relationship and at most for the duration of the limitation periods within which any claims may be brought by or against us, or for the duration of statutory or contractual duties of retention.

Legal Basis

We shall only process your Personal Data in accordance with principles of data protection and if there is a legal basis to do so. If in furtherance of the establishment or implementation of our contract, it shall serve as the legal basis. Otherwise, we have an interest in continuously improving our Offers, adjusting our Offers in line with your needs and showing you advertising that may be of interest to you. This is necessary in order to develop our Offers further, as well as to be able to finance and guarantee the security of our Offers. We act on the presumption that our interests are predominant. If you have consented to data Processing, this consent will apply.

Right of Erasure

In accordance with applicable European legislation you can delete your account and the notification data from the system.

Contact Person

If you have questions regarding data protection, need information or want your data to be deleted please contact us.


PushBell reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. The most current version of this policy is available here.
This privacy policy last updated on July 2, 2024.